Sliding Fee Discount

At Southwest, we understand that it may not always be possible for our patients to be covered by health insurance, therefore, Southwest Community Health Center offers a sliding fee discount program to assist patients who may not qualify for public benefits and who are not able to afford the full cost of an office visit. 

The sliding fee discount is based on family size and total gross income (yourself, spouse or significant other, children under 18, and parents, grandparents and adult children if applicable).  Each family unit is determined eligible by comparing their household income to the Federal Poverty Guidelines, which are updated every 12 months. 

How do I apply?

To apply, you MUST provide the following to the front desk receptionist:

  • Federal Tax Return and if income has changed, the 3 most current pay stubs

  • Social Security statement and pay stubs for child support, alimony, or unemployment  (if applicable)

  • Unemployment award letter or Employer Termination Letter (if applicable)

What does it cover?

Our Sliding Fee Discount program covers most services offered at our facility. 

  • Medical

  • Dental

  • Behavioral Health 

  • Diagnostic Imaging & Lab

**Discounts may not apply or may vary depending on the procedure and/or test. 


If you need more  information or would like to speak with our financial services coordinator, please call 203-330-6000 Ext.4320


Sliding Fee Table - First Time Visit and Application 2024

Sliding Fee Table - First Time Visit and Application 2024 - Spanish